Wel­co­me Weeks — eng­lish ver­si­on


Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the cour­ses is free of char­ge, you only need an account in the boo­king sys­tem of the uni­ver­si­ty sports!

In order to book the clas­ses taking place in our „Wel­co­me Nights“ plea­se take a look into the Ger­man ver­si­on under the drop down menu.

Trend sport:

Feel like try­ing some­thing new? We‘re kicking off the Wel­co­me Weeks with our Trend Sport Night, fea­turing sports you’­ve never heard of or always wan­ted to try!

Ball games:

Join a team for the night and tog­e­ther you will let the balls fly. Four gymns, four dif­fe­rent ball games. Play to the final whist­le: Flo­or­ball, bas­ket­ball, vol­ley­ball and mat dod­ge­ball are sche­du­led for you.

Beats’n Bould­er:

Look for­ward to some cool sounds and del­ve into the bould­er pro­blems ahead. Our team is at your side sol­ving tho­se pro­blems in case you get stuck. Fun bould­er games included.


We’ll show you our exten­si­ve yoga pro­gram­me. And the­re will be small spe­cials included. All skill levels are wel­co­me.

Inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents:

In coope­ra­ti­on with Göt­tin­gen Inter­na­tio­nal, all inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents can eit­her check out each and every sport night or bor­row sport mate­ri­als in our my.box and go ahead and play. Or both. The per­fect start to the Göt­tin­gen adven­ture.


We offer all kinds of dif­fe­rent dancing styl­es. If you have always wan­ted to dance, come in and check out the pro­gram­me.

Swim & relax:

Love water and its pos­si­bi­li­ties? Head up while „Aqua­jog­ging“, don’t stop paddling in the canoe play­ing polo or hol­ding your breath under­wa­ter while mas­te­ring rug­by moves. After­wards, you can rep­le­nish in the sau­na, if you like.

Mar­ti­al arts:

No mat­ter if you want to try Judo, Kung Fu or Ken­do, on our mar­ti­al arts day we’ll make sure you get to know some kicks and puns­hes. Clas­sic as well as newer mar­ti­al arts are to be che­cked out and some good old Group­Fit­ness „box con­di­tio­ning“ J

Mar­ti­al arts: Fen­cing, Judo, Ken­jutsu, Kung Fu, Tae­kwon­do, Boxing, Kick­boxing.

Group­Fit­ness Night:

Get an insight into our Group­Fit­ness pro­gram­me, may it be car­dio & work­out, HIIT or deep­WORK.

Beats’n Biceps:

By tur­ning our fit­ness cent­re into a dis­co and tho­se last few reps just get easy. You want to learn new move­ments or excer­ci­s­es? Check out one of your func­tion­al trai­ning clas­ses.


Sign up as an indi­vi­du­al or with fri­ends and try out one of the beg­in­ner cour­ses at our Clim­bing Cent­re RoXx.