⚡Win­ter semes­ter break ’25⚡
cour­se boo­king, from Febru­ary 03!

We also have
a wide ran­ge of offers for you
during the semes­ter break.

You can look for­ward to
over 200 sports cour­ses
during the win­ter semes­ter break.

Brow­se through the new offer now (we are con­stant­ly adding to it) and pick out your favo­ri­tes for the vaca­ti­ons now, you can note the cour­ses you want in your pro­fi­le. The heart next to the cour­se descrip­ti­on acti­va­tes the cour­se alarm and adds the cour­se to your indi­vi­du­al cour­se list. This will give you a more rela­xed boo­king start on Mon­day, Febru­ary 3rd.

A big thank you goes to all the ins­truc­tors who make this pro­gram pos­si­ble!

Win­ter break sports pro­gram­me

The boo­king runs stag­ge­red
1 week befo­re the first cour­se date.

We are chan­ging: To fur­ther redu­ce the ser­ver load, we are now boo­king the cour­ses one week befo­re the first cour­se date. So a cour­se that starts on Mon­day 10.02. at 6 pm can be boo­ked on 03.02. at 6 pm! Mem­bers with the sta­tus “Exter­nal” can book 60 minu­tes after the mem­bers “Employee” and “Stu­dent”.

👉 New from now on — cour­se can­cel­la­ti­on 👈

It is now pos­si­ble to can­cel the cour­se befo­re the first cour­se date. You can can­cel direct­ly in the store.

Tuto­ri­al for FIZ cus­to­mers